Aram Teymurazyan

Assistant Professor, University of Regina, Department of Physics

  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Lakehead University, Canada
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics, University of Massachusetts, USA
  • Ph.D. in Physics, University of Kentucky, USA
  • M.S. in Physics, University of Kentucky, USA
  • B.S. in Physics, with honors, Yerevan State University, Armenia
Awards and distinctions
  • 2015 - NSERC/CIHR
  • 2005 - National Nuclear Physics Summer School scholarship
  • 2003 - Member of American Physical Society
  • 1999 - Academic Excellency Award, Yerevan State University
  1. A.A. Grigoryan and A. Teymurazyan, “Light ray displacements due to air temperature gradient”, ALICE Internal Note, ALICE-INT-2000-13, CERN, (2000)
  2. A. Teymurazyan, A. Ahmidouchb, P. Ambrozewiczb, A. Asratyanc, K. Bakerd, L. Bentonb, V. Burkertf, E. Clintong, P. Coleh, P. Collinsi, D.Daleh, S. Danagoulianb, G. Davidenkoc, R. Demirchyanb, A. Deurf, A. Dolgolenkoc, G. Dzyubenkoc, R. Entf, A. Evdokimovc, J. Fengj, k, M. Gabrielyana, L. Ganj, A. Gasparianb, A. Glamazdinm, V. Goryachevc, K. Hardyb, J. Hen, M. Itof, L. Jiangj, k, D. Kashyf, M. Khandakerh, A. Kolarkara, M. Konchatnyim, A. Korchinm, W. Korscha, O. Kosinovh, S. Kowalskie, M. Kubantsevc, p, V. Kubarovskyf, I. Larinb, c, D. Lawrencef, g, X. Lij, P. Martelg, V. Matveevc, D. McNultyh, B. Meckingf, B. Milbrathq, R. Minehartr, R. Miskimeng, V. Mochalovs, I. Nakagawaa, t, S. Overbyb, E. Pasyukf, i, M. Payenb, R. Pedronib, Y. Proke, B. Ritchiei, C. Salgadoo, A. Shahinyanl, A. Sitnikovc, D. Soberu, S. Stepanyanf, W. Stevensr, J. Underwoodb, A. Vasilievs, V. Vishnyakovc, M. Woodg, S. Zhouj, "High precision photon flux determination for photon tagging experiments" ,Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A (2014), 767, 300-309
  3. A. Teymurazyan, J.A. Rowlands, G. Pang, "Monte Carlo simulation of a quantum noise limited Čerenkov detector based on air-spaced light guiding taper for megavoltage x-ray imaging", Med. Phys. 41, 4 (2014)
  4. A. Teymurazyan, G. Pang, "An inherent anti-scatter detector for megavoltage x-ray imaging.", Phys Med Biol. (2013), 58(5):1479-93
  5. A. Teymurazyan, G. Pang, "Monte Carlo simulation of a novel water-equivalent electronic portal imaging device using plastic scintillating fibers", Med. Phys. 39, 4644 (2012)
  6. A. Teymurazyan, G. Pang, "Megavoltage X-Ray Imaging Based on Cerenkov Effect: A New Application of Optical Fibres to Radiation Therapy", International Journal of Optics (2012)
  7. A. Teymurazyan, "Photon flux determination for a precision measurement of the neutral pion lifetime", INIS (2007), 41, 35

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