Anastasiia Mishchenko
Physicist at Analogic Canada Corporation, Innovation Department
- Ph.D., Lakehead University, Department of Chemistry and Materials Science, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, 2012-2016
- Master's Degree, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Physics, Kiev, Ukraine, 2010-2012
- B.Sc., Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Physics, Kiev, Ukraine, 2005-2009
Appointments and Affiliations
- Physicist, Analogic Canada, Montreal, Canada, May 2016 - Present
- Intern, Analogic Canada, Montreal, Canada, April 2015 - April 2016
- President, Lakehead University Graduate Students' Association, Thunder Bay, Canada, April 2014 – April 2015
- Teaching assistant, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada, September 2013 – April 2015
- Vise-President, Lakehead University Graduate Students' Association, Thunder Bay, Canada, April 2013 – April 2014
- Research Assistant at Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute, Thunder Bay, Canada, September 2013 – April 2015
- PhD Researcher, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada September 2012 - April 2016
Awards and distinctions
- 2016 - H.O.P.E. Award (High Output and Publication Excellence), Lakehead University
- 2015 - Ontario Graduate Scholarship
- 2014 - NIH Student Award at the 12th International Workshop on Breast Imaging (IWDM 2014)
- Nov 2014 - Elekta Student Travel Award
- Apr 2014 - Elekta Student Travel Award
- 2013 - Best Poster Award at the 25th International Conference on Amorphous and Nano-crystalline Semiconductors (ICANS 25)
- A. Mishchenko, J. Berashevich, K. Wolf, A. Reznik, D. A. Tenne and M. Mitkova, “Dynamic variations of the lightinduced
effects in a-GexSe100-x films: Experiment and Simulation”, Optical Materials Express 5(2), 295-306 (2015). - A. Mishchenko, G. P. Lindberg, B. A. Weinstein, and A. Reznik, “Comparative study of the photodarkening relaxationkinetics
in amorphous selenium for above-bandgap and sub-bandgap illumination”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 051912 (2014). - J. Berashevich, A. Mishchenko, and A. Reznik, “Two-Step Photoexcitation Mechanism in Amorphous Se”, Phys. Rev.
Appl. 1, 034008 (2014). - G. P. Lindberg, T. O'Loughlin, N. Gross, A. Mishchenko, A. Reznik, S. Abbaszadeh, K. S. Karim, G. Belev, and B. A.
Weinstein, "Photo-crystallization in a-Se layer structures: Effects of film-substrate interface-rigidity", J. Appl. Phys. 116,
193511 (2014)
Selected presentations
- A. Mishchenko, O. Tousignant, A. Teymurazyan, A. Ravi, A. Reznik, “Gamma-Camera for Image-guided Low-energy
Breast Brachytherapy”, 100th Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Oral Presentation,
Presenting Author (Chicago, USA 2014). - A. Mishchenko, O. Tousignant, A. Teymurazyan, A. Ravi, J-P. Pignol, J. A. Rowlands, A. Reznik “Gamma-camera for
Image-guided Low-energy Breast Brachytherapy”, the 12th International Workshop on Breast Imaging (IWDM), Poster
presentation, Presenting author (Gifu, Japan 2014). - A. Mishchenko, J. Berashevich, A. Reznik, “Temperature dependence of photodarkening in stabilized a-Se”, the 25th
International Conference on Amorphous and Nano-crystalline Semiconductors (ICANS), Oral Presentation, Presenting
Author (Toronto, Canada 2013). - A. Mishchenko, K.Wolf, M. Mitkova, A. Reznik, “Photodarkening vs. photobleaching in amorphous a-GexSe100-x films”,
the 25th International Conference on Amorphous and Nano-crystalline Semiconductors, Competitive Poster presentation,
Presenting author (Toronto, Canada 2013).