Are you an undergraduate student in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Engineering or Computer Science interested in being involved in research applied to Health Care technologies?
Summer School on Medical Imaging (SSMI) provides summer research opportunities for high performing undergraduate students to encourage their transition into graduate studies and to showcase graduate environment in Medical Imaging and related disciplines.
- Hosted jointly by Lakehead University and the Thunder Bay Regional Health Research Institute (TBRHRI)
- 16-week practical research program under the supervision of TBRHRI’s Scientists and Lakehead University Professors
- Students are engaged through paid summer positions at a Research Assistant level
- Lecture series with invited specialists presenting different topics in the field of medical imaging
- Shadowing radiologists (tentative) during image-guided interventions, tours to the Cyclotron, MRI, PET and many more, as a unique undergraduate learning opportunity
- Social activities (BBQ, sports, hiking)
- Presentation of summer work at the end of the term with Undergraduate Student Awards to highlight exceptional achievement
How to apply to the SSMI 2019?
Interested undergraduate students are invited to apply by submitting a resume and a cover letter expressing research area of interest by February 28 to: